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How to Get Me to Read Your Article, 5 Simple yet Must-Do Things for Writers

Updated on January 22, 2021
Don Bobbitt profile image

Don is a Writer and a Storyteller. He has published over 9 books on varied subjects along with many articles and commentary on his blogs.

Writer's Tools of Yesterday

Writer's tools of yesterday. Once everyone wrote their works with pens and pencils but now everyone is using their computer or pad or tablet. to get the job done.
Writer's tools of yesterday. Once everyone wrote their works with pens and pencils but now everyone is using their computer or pad or tablet. to get the job done. | Source

Tips on things a Writer MUST DO

If you want me, or pretty much anyone who searches the web for entertaining articles, then you need to not just read but understand the tips presented in this article.

First of all, I am sure that you, like everyone else wants those many millions of people out there in the wide, wide, world of the web to open your article and read it.

And, maybe you entice your readers to Click on a related advertisement in your article, and then perhaps there will be the occasional product purchase?

Picture all of those varied and desperate millions, all constantly working their search engines 24-hours a day, just looking for solutions, answers or just good, entertaining information. Some of these searches could be exactly what your article was designed to fulfill.

As a writer, you already know that you need to do everything possible to get your article listed as high above all of those others out there using the same keywords.

So, without going into the techno-financial-tricks that we all read about, and often struggle with, you have to do one thing better than your competition.

You need to capture and hold a potential reader's attention with the best tools you have in your writing arsenal..

I have been at this WRITER thing for almost ten years now and the simple things that I will list below are the necessary things you must do in order to capture a reader's attention and then sell them on checking if your article is worth their time.

Your article design goal must be to make myself and the rest of the world select and open your article first, over all of those others that are shoved in front of you by the search engines.

Are you doing these simple things?

Tip#1- The Title Content is King

The Title of your article must be a power-packed yet simple statement of what your the article includes that the reader might be looking for.

That sounds so silly; but my friend, you had better realize one very important thing about the Title of any article that is competing with thousands of others for prominence on the web.

Your Title must contain Content that meets, even exceeds, the potential readers search criteria!

Google and all of the other search engines on the web, large and small, have their own ways of determining search criteria, of course.

Criteria that includes Keywords, special phrases and, also, their special secret mathematical selection and prioritization procedures for ranking your articles. These must be better than what is in the many other articles out there for you to rank the highest possible in search engines.

So of course, you need to put adequate thought into crafting a Article Title that attacks these search engine requirements.

But, you must remember that your title, along with all of the others selected by the search engine, is also being scanned by Human Eyes. Human Eyes that are connected to fickle Human Brains.

To be selected by this Human person out there your title must tell them;

Here it is! Click Here! I have what you want to read!

And, it must make that connection in a microsecond, while the searcher speedily scans down the list of what was offered to them on their computer screen.

Let's say that your article is in the middle of the top-10 listed for the searcher to select from.

Each of the top-10 have the same number of characters allowed, and they all probably have most of the same top keywords in them.

So what can you do to the content of your title to make yours stand out?

When I write an article, one thing I spend a lot of time on is thinking about my potential reader.

I often ask myself the question;

If I wanted to know something about this subject, how would I search for it.

A lesson on How to Boil an Egg?

For instance, for information on boiling an egg, I could search for;

How do I Boil an Egg, or

How long do I boil an Egg, or

Hard Boiled Egg cooking time,

These are just a few of the many proper ways to search for the information you want on Boiled eggs..

Each of these search questions will get answers, but yours might make the top-10 of one of these while it might end up in the top-20 or 30 of the other two searches.

So, what do you do with your title to make it fit the most searches and be the top of each?

Assuming you already know which keywords you want to use, the next thing you need to tackle is; which of these potential search phrases do you design your title to match?

I would ask myself something like; What would a person needing to know just how to boil an egg really want to know, and not always necessarily what did he/she ask for.

Then, using all of this new knowledge, to target my audience properly, i might come up with a title whose content might be;

How to properly Boil an Egg, cooking methods, cooking times, and other helpful information.

It looks a little long doesn't it?

Well, it is long, from one perspective. But it is loaded with numerous words and phrases so that it would be viable for the widest possible "egg boiling audience".

And that is what you want in your Title Content. You want the best and most accurate content that meets the broadest possible search audience.

Tip#2 The Title Grammar is Critical for readership.

After the Title Content, the next most important thing to design is the Title Grammar and Spelling.

Sorry, people! All of you who use a lot of slang, All of you that write like you talk, wherever you are from, all of you who love to throw in abbreviations, even, you're in trouble.

If you are not writing your title in perfectly formatted English, and yes, I mean "the Kings English" then you are dooming your article to oblivion, if you do this in your title.

And, I mean no offense, to all of you writers from; India, Africa, or wherever you may be from. Your non-standard English grammar is a real turn-off for the rest of the world, and your article will be quickly passed over nine times out of ten.

Here is a little rule for all of you;

The potential Reader, searching for information or entertainment on the web today will not take the time to have their brain "stutter" through poorly written sentences and bad spelling. They will move on to their next option in the long list of articles presented to them!

You must, absolutely must, use all of the adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions and proper sentence structure, perfectly, in your title.

If I am "fast-scanning" through hundreds of listings that a search engine places in front of me, and my brain trips over a strange sentence structure, what will I do.?

My eyes will just continue scanning down the list while my brain will continue looking for my perfect match..

i will not waste the time to open an offering with a poorly written title. I will automatically assume that the article is as poorly written as the title.

Along with the Grammar, of course, comes the spelling.

Whenever I see poor spelling in a title, I will invariably assume that I have been offered an article that was written by an amateur who just happened to have enough of the right keywords to get their link listed.

I will have already assumed, from the spelling error in the title that the Hub or article is going to be sub-par and not worth my time.

So, if you want me to select your article, write a concise title that is grammatically perfect with everything spelled properly and packed with the broadest range of good keywords.

Tip#3 A good picture can draw even more views

A Great Picture? You might ask; Why do I need to add one or more pictures into my article?

I hear this a lot from other writers. Many writers just do not deal with pictures for their articles and often they do not even try to include one that relates visually to the content of the article at the top level.

As you know most writer's sites allow writers to include pictures throughout their articles. And these pictures, when carefully selected to accent what you are saying visually, can be a real asset for the writer.

Also, with most writer's sites the first picture you place at the top of your article is the one shown along with the title and description of the article to other readers.

Google even includes a micro-picture of the author beside the top words of any articles that meet their search criteria.

So,make sure you have an appropriate picture of yourself, the author, on your profile page, as this is the one that will be shown with the search results by many search engines, today.

Tip#4 An Open, Airy and Readable Hub

I really don't know anyone, including lawyers, who enjoy reading "tomes of information".such as their lengthy, wordy and boring legal documents.

What I mean by this is, I see a lot of writers who feel it is OK to write, maybe 300-400, or even more, words in a single-spaced paragraph.

These large, dark paragraphs are actually depressing for the typical modern reader to go through.

Everyone, it seems today, wants to feel that the end of almost every sentence is a stopping place for them to go do something else.

And, so often, when they are offered a paragraph that is twenty or more lines of text packed tightly together, they will tend to "jump over" such text, to the next paragraph, or section, when these dark masses of words show the first sign of being boring..

This is especially true for those that are searching for information on the web at two levels. On the one level, they are often just searching for certain specific data or facts and they want the text that they have to go through to be short and concise and quickly scanned.

On the other hand, if they want to be entertained, they want the text to be laid out for them in an almost airy writing style that gives them their entertainment in an open layout, again providing numerous easy stopping points. especially if they want to go on to something else and come back later.

Remember, part of the rankings by search engines for articles is how long a searcher actually stays on the site, not just the fact that they opened it to check it out.

And honestly I, and probably most of you, will get out of a site or article very quickly if we don't see what we want almost immediately.

Tip#5 Great Links are a necessity.

So, you wrote a great article that gives the reader an enormous amount of information about the subject that they had searched for.

But, did you provide some really good links to other sites that can give them pathways to even more and varied data on the subject that might help them?

I am not very good at this one myself, but I do go back and try to improve my hubs at a later date by adding such links.

Having good and useful links in your hub will aid a reader in their search and it will help raise your Hubs ranking on almost all search engines when they find these "good links" during their regular "crawls".

Just five easy tools to a good article?

That's right.

These five simple things will get myself and thousands of other potential readers to; first, See Your article second, Select Your article, and third, Read your article.

Use these Tips and your artile may even help grow a regular following that returns over and over to see what you have put out there on the web just for them.

Do you rewrite your Hubs over time?

Do you go back and rewrite your older Hubs to keep them viable and interesting

See results

A Detective Novel

One Bullet
One Bullet
The detective novel ONE BULLET, written and self-published on Amazon by Don Bobbitt

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.


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