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A Photographic Walk in Longs, South Carolina With Butterflies and Blooms Everywhere.

Updated on February 28, 2020
Don Bobbitt profile image

Don is a Writer and a Storyteller. He has published over 9 books on varied subjects along with many articles and commentary on his blogs.

Ripe POKE Berries hanging on the bush

Poke Berries
Poke Berries | Source

Take Better Nature Photos

100 Ways to Take Better Nature & Wildlife Photographs
100 Ways to Take Better Nature & Wildlife Photographs
I had to have this book and it as I figured, it was full of great tips for a photographer who wants to be a better photographer. I use it very often to make sure i am doing my best with my camera.

What a great day to have a Camera!

I guess it was right around 9:30 AM om a sunny day. I had just gone through my normal regimen of catching up with the goings on in the world and other such mundane tasks that one often turns into a morning habit.

Then, having a little time to kill, I walked over to the window, and any other plans I might have had were put on hold.

It was a beautiful, sunny South Carolina morning, and I decided that I should be outside and taking in the weather.

So, on with the walking shoes, and out the door I went.

But, just before leaving the house, my Nikon Camera caught my eye, lying so lonely on the side table near the door.

So, I grabbed it also and stuffed it into my pocket.

It only took a 1/4 of a mile or so before most of the kinks were worked out of my body,and I could relax into my own walking pace. It was probably a slow pace for most people, but one that works for me.

And, as I made my first turn onto a side street, there it was; a beautiful butterfly crossed my path and landed on a flowering bush directly in front of me.

I stopped and pulled out the camera, and realized that I had to make a decision; was I walking for the exercise, or was I walking for the beauty of the walk?

Then, a flutter of another butterfly's wings just down the street made up my mind for me.

It was going to be a walk just to enjoy the beauty of it all.

The pictures that you see here are a few of the better shots I took on that 3-mile walk that day.

Beautiful flowers and insects everywhere, and really, just a great day to observe nature at its best.

I hope you enjoy these pictures as much as I do the memory of that walk.

A Collection ofmy Nature Pictures

Butterfly1 | Source
Butterfly2 | Source
Bee on Bloom
Bee on Bloom | Source
Golden Pine Cone
Golden Pine Cone | Source
Butterfly3 | Source

Another interesting Butterfly resting for a moment

Butterfly4 | Source
A single Morning Glory bloom
A single Morning Glory bloom | Source
Butterflies everywhere on my walk
Butterflies everywhere on my walk | Source
Butterfly pic 6
Butterfly pic 6 | Source
Butterfly7 | Source
Wildflower | Source
Butterfly8 | Source
Butterfly9 | Source
Palm Shadows
Palm Shadows | Source
A Short Beautiful Life and then Death
A Short Beautiful Life and then Death | Source
unknown | Source
Wildflower - Jessamine
Wildflower - Jessamine | Source
Butterfly10 | Source

Just another Walk, wth a Camera in hand

Another walk, Another day,

but the weather was oh so nice,

I kicked up the pace,

and turned the day into a race.

A race between myself

and my previous best walk time.

A quarter mile or so,

and I finally passed those

pains and strains of old age,

and yesterday's youthful abuses.

Finally, my body

kicked into gear,

the sweat started to run,

and my labored breathing

went from heaving

to even.

My mind cleared

and I realized

the abundant colors and motions

in the yards and fields around me,

So I raised my camera

and I started to shoot,

the scenes that you now see

as I continued

through my route.

I kept to my original pace.

with sweat still dripping,

from my brow,

Snapping shots of nature

along the way..

But then I remembered,

how fleeting was the life

of each fluttering insect

I was capturing so boldly.

So, I finally slowed,

and concentrated

on their short moment of glory.

Eventually though

the walk was over

and I was finally Home,



and Wet.

But Smiling, don't you see?

Just thinking about

these private moments

I did have with just

the Blooms,

the Insets, and Me!.


Get out there and look for yourself.

If you enjoyed these pictures of mine, get out there and look for yourself.

At times, you just have to slow down and open your eyes.

There is beauty everywhere Nature has a foothold.

Besides, Even if there are no Butterflies that day, there are other insects and wonderful colors just waiting for you to admire.and be amazed.


PS: IF you know the proper name for these beauties of Nature, let me know, and I will update the picture labels.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.


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